A troubled young girl must choose between a carefree and exciting
初中女生惠君(徐娇 饰)长期遭校园霸凌高处坠亡,暴行非但没有停止,甚至祸延到闺蜜小彤(王圣迪 饰)身上。然而,霸凌者也接连殒命于重锤
When a recently widowed mother becomes houseless, she convinces he
1967 / 苏联 / Sergey,Bondarchuk,Vyacheslav,Tikhonov
The 500,000 strong Napoleon's army moves through Russia and ca
Napoleon's tumultuous relations with Russia including his disa
2024 / 中国大陆 / 朱宏,教海哗,周晴
抗日战争前夕的天津卫,有那么一群闲人,他们平日游手好闲,靠招摇撞骗生活甚至升官发财。苏鸿达(管新城 饰)就是一闲人,混迹天津卫街头,
Carag, half-human, half-mountain lion, is a shape-shifter who grew
巡回督察维维克·戈皮纳特最近因在执勤时在网上赌博而被停职,重新加入警队后,他希望找回失去的荣誉。等待他的是一桩 40 年悬而未决的神
2025 / 印度 / 剧情
In 1920s India, a young stable boy bonds with a spirited horse. Am
A young girl discovers that her father has run up huge debts, when
佩特拉(玛吉特·卡斯滕森 Margit Carstensen 饰)是一位小有名气的女画家,和丈夫结婚多年,两人养育了一个女儿。然而,
At a Mexican ranch, fugitive O'Malley and pursuing Sheriff Str
根据 1975 年发生的真实事件改编。讲述了印度历史上最有权势的女性之一英迪拉·甘地夫人领导下发生的事件。
When miners blast for gold in the 1870's, they accidentally re
When Harper and her daughter take the law into their own hands, th
2025 / 美国 / 剧情